
I Am Qaisar Sultan

I am done my graduation in 2016.

And i am joining izhar group of companies in 2017 to 2023 as a Store Officer.

& now I am working in Hamayun Printers Pvt Ltd as a Assistant Manager warehouse۔


Not yet


کمپنی کا لوگو
Assistant Manager Warehouse
Hamayun Printers Pvt ltd
مارچ ۲۰۲۴ - موجودہ | Lahore, Pakistan

Creating Demands of all departments & unitsReceiving Demand with The Inspection of All Department Heads Mark all the receipt items with GR and send the copy of GR and the same to the accounts department. At the time of production all items issue on requseation Updating postings in the ledger on a daily basis Generating Daily Weekly & Monthly Raw Material Report On the demand of for the units arrange the material on the instructions of coordinator Arrange the economic freight vehicle for transportation.Receive Surplus Materials from the Units and Maintain Proper Stacking.Receive all damaged items from other units and after reparing send to back. Ensuring Local Purchase in Emergency.Record and dispatch all surplus items to procurement department.Maintaining the stock and items of all the stores with reference to 5S.Helping and guiding the audit team during the inspection.According to the requirement of the company, maximum savings can be made by putting all the items to be used according to the standard. Generating separate computerized reports of all dispatched and collected items for easy retrieval of information on time from other units.


the islamia universty bwp
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان کامرس, ‎
Accounting & Finance, Commerce
CGPA 2.1/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Client Management
ماہر Data Handling
ماہر Store Incharge
ماہر Store Management
متوسط Accounting
ماہر Admin Task Management
ماہر Administration Skills
متوسط Aseptic Technique Knowledge
ماہر Asset Management
ماہر Communication Skills
ماہر Company Store Management
ماہر Company Stores Management
متوسط Computer Proficiency
ماہر Configuration Switches
ماہر Counting And Recording
ماہر Data Management
ماہر Distribution Logistics
متوسط Documentation
ماہر End to End Sales
ماہر ERP
ماہر ERP Software Command
ماہر General Ledger Maintenenace
ماہر House Keeping Skills
ماہر Installation Process
ماہر Inventory Accuracy
ماہر Inventory Analysis
ماہر Inventory Control
ماہر Inventory Management
ماہر Inventory Optimization
ماہر Inventory Planning Skills
ماہر Knowledge of Software
ماہر Labor Handling
ماہر LTV Driving Licens
ماہر Manage Client Bookings
ماہر Management
ماہر Managerial Skills
متوسط Microsoft Office
ماہر MS Excel
ماہر MS. Excel
ماہر Performance Monitoring
ماہر Persuasion Customer
ماہر Presentation
ماہر Problem Analysis
ماہر Problem Analysis Skills
ماہر Problem Solving
ماہر Procurement Knowleddge
ماہر Procurement Skills
ماہر Production Head
ماہر Quality Standards Maintenance
ماہر Reading And Writing


متوسط انگریزی
ماہر اردو

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

My Video Introduction