Duties and Responsibilities of Gynecologists:

  • Keep a track of the progress shown by the patients during the treatment process
  • Suggest alternative treatments in case there is no health progress
  • Perform surgeries in case of chronic and serious reproductive disorders
  • They also provide health care assistance to the pregnant women in prenatal, natal and postnatal care
  • Gynecologists have to diagnose the patients and identify their problems from the diagnostic tests as well as note down the symptoms patients are experiencing
  • Conduct research and examine the symptoms to give proper medications and dosage assistance to the patients
  • They provide dietary tips and conduct regular examinations for pregnant women
  • They are the whole and sole of the entire delivery process and also provide healthcare tips for the babies
  • They perform surgeries during the delivery if necessary
  • Provide all types of consulting help related to women's reproductive system
  • Maintain reports of the patients that can help them in future treatments
  • Refer patients to other specialists in case the disease is related to some other medical problem
  • Consult with other doctors and take their help in the treatment process
  • Give alternate treatments options to the patients and help them understand the exact process of treatment concerned to their disease
  • Conduct awarness meetings with junior health staff  related to health management and dietary plans for women.


1 发布
24 - 50 年
少于1年 - 2年
Jun 09, 2018
May 08, 2018

True Worth Foundation

· 1-10 员工 - 伊斯兰堡

Poverty is not merely income deprivation. It is a multidimensional concept, which encompasses economic, political, and social needs that are the sina qua non-for a meaningful existence. The poor in Pakistan area not only deprived of financial resources, but they also lack access to basic needs such as education, health, clean drinking water, and proper sanitation, which limits their ability to secure gainful employment and results in income poverty and social exclusion; Notwithstanding the debate on poverty data, it is generally believed that poverty in Pakistan is on the rise. Similarly, Pakistan�s progress on almost every social indicator e.g. education, health and nutrition compares poorly with that of other developing countries. Illustrative of the state of social sectors in Pakistan is a weak adult literacy profile, a low life expectancy and a high maternal mortality rate. The situation is even worse if gender and regional disparities are taken into account, with social indicators being substantially worse for women, children, and those living in rural areas. With this view, True Worth Foundation was established by late Mr. Shahr Yar Khan in 2002 to fight against increasing poverty in Pakistan. But unfortunately he left us after some time and later Ms. Zahra Fatemi took the initiative to run the organization. The head office of the organization is in Islamabad. The biggest challenge faced initially by TWF was community mobilization. To engage people in dialogue as equal partners and win their trust was a daunting task. The Foundation was able to achieve this through dialogue and its persistent development programs. Evidence of people�s trust in the Foundation can be seen from trends that parents who were sending their children for small/daily wage jobs have now enrolled them in to schools run by TWF. Similarly, families whose average size in the area is 6-7 members per family have now started taking consultations from TWF Clinic on having a smaller family. As a result, average size of the family working with TWF has reduced. Men who were initially reluctant to send women out of their homes now encourage them to receive vocational training at the TWF vocational center. TWF has become a part of the community rather than someone organization from outside. Foundation�s work however has been an uphill task, due to lack of resources. It has successfully been running its programs through small donations and fees which make it sustainable. However, Foundation�s ability to expand upon its ongoing programs is limited due to lack of proper infrastructure. It has been trying to set up a small building of its own, one with vocational center/training hall, a medical testing lab and proper outpatient clinic.


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