Shortlisting resumes can be an exhausting process for some – after all, closing a gap within the organization by recruiting someone qualified and capable enough to do so is no simple task. In the bigger picture, their potential shortcomings are often attributed directly the people in charge of putting them in that particular job position to begin with.
If you happen to be responsible for managing the human capital of an organization, you would have seen some pretty amusing things listed on resumes within the screening process. While some of these entries might seem harmless at first, developing a sharp eye to spot them out could prevent you from hiring someone who does not meet the proper criteria or expertise to handle the job opening being offered to them.
On a lighter note, here are a few of the most ridiculously fabricated job titles that seasoned hiring managers can spot out from a mile away.
Perhaps the most notorious entry on this list, most people resort to using this in order to fill in the missing gap between their various work experiences. In other words, it’s a nice way of saying “unemployed” – the greater the duration listed as being a consultant, the more time that has been spent searching for a job.
Of course not all consultants fall under this category, but anyone who states being one without being able to backup this claim through an authentic outlet should be considered to be more or less jobless during a certain period of their life.
Most successful entrepreneurs feel the need to mention their projects and initiatives on paper — which is why only those who have had failed run-ins with starting their own businesses often simply write “entrepreneur” for a certain duration of time on their resumes. It is understandable that not all start-ups enjoy the same success and glorification as Facebook, and more businesses end up eventually closing down when compared to the ones that get to make it big.
Hence, there should be no shame in acknowledging that a specific venture was unable to sustain itself. Hiring managers are not looking for success stories – but they are not looking for cryptic messages within a resume either.
President of *Place Unheard-of Club/Activity Here*
Once every now and then comes a resume that appears to be slightly over the top. The individuals responsible for these masterpieces go a step further from giving themselves ordinary titles such as the ones mentioned above, and instead, state that they are no less than the President of a certain club or activity in their area.
Some of these appear to be more outlandish than others. For instance, while irrelevant to the job opening in question, seeing “President of the School Book Club” still appears to be slightly more legitimate than “President of the Local Food Festival”. In short, anytime someone takes up a title beyond most mortals, it better be about something important.
Here are some obscure, but equally fabricated job titles:
Social Media Personality
An unemployed Facebook addict
Basically, an entrepreneur who hasn’t even tried yet
Life Skill Instructor
An unemployed parent