AGP (Pvt) Ltd

AGP (Pvt) Ltd

A part of the Ali Gohar Group of Companies, AGP began operations in 1989 as an independent pharmaceutical company. Today, it is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, providing a broad range of pharmaceutical services.

Several prominent research based pharmaceutical companies were introduced to this market under the Ali Gohar Corporate umbrella. The achievements gained by companies like Hoechst (now Aventis), Ciba-Giegy (now Novartis), Upjohn (now Pfizer), Alcon, E Merck, Eli Lilly, all multinationals, now well established in the Pakistan market, are largely due to the Ali Gohar Group�s sustained efforts.

The urge to upgrade the nation�s pharmaceutical resources and services was a key motivating factor in the inception of AGP.

Presently, the multifarious pharmaceutical operations of AGP include sourcing and import of raw materials, finished pharmaceuticals and healthcare products, repackaging, manufacturing, marketing, export and direct-to-pharmacy distribution.
No. of Employees
Operating Since