
  1.  This is Danish Hussain . I'm from Rawalpindi, Pakistan .I have in many fields experience .call center, receptionist, office work,social media, internet research, YouTube,etc.I studying in Ma in aiou..


Call center , receptionist
J Telemarketing
Apr 2018 - Jan 2020 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan


University of the Punjab
学士, 艺术学士, BA‎
political science, history
所占比重 60%


初学者 Account Management
中级 Accounts Adminstration
中级 Adaptive Leadership
中级 Administration Knowledge
中级 Analytical Skills
中级 Call center, receptionist, office work
熟练 Command on YouTube
中级 Communication Skills
熟练 Computer Knowledge
初学者 Computer Proficient
中级 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Custom Pages Handling
中级 Customer Sercies
中级 Data Analysis
中级 Data Comparison
中级 Data Entry
中级 Education Consing
熟练 Expert in coffee/tea cooking
中级 History of Political Thought
初学者 Invoice Processing
中级 Italian Cooking
中级 Legal Affairs Management
熟练 Logo design maker
中级 Management
初学者 Microsoft Outlook
中级 Opration Responsibility
中级 Planning
中级 Pursuing News Stories
初学者 Record Keeping
中级 Recovery
中级 Relationship Management
初学者 Security Analysis
中级 Selling
中级 Staff Supervision
中级 Student Managements
熟练 Telemarketing
中级 Territory
初学者 Travel Logistics Management
熟练 Tumbnail maker
熟练 Video Editing


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语