
Hi Myself Momna Naveed and i have completed my study in june 2019. I am passionate in data entry jobs online at home or any other creative writing and i assure u that i will never disappoint anyone and will perform my job with honesty and accuracy. I will complete my task in time and will never give u any kind of complaints. (In Sha Allah)
My qualification is BBA hons from Arid Agriculture University Gujrat campus GIMS.


Momna Naveed


HR Internee
Service Industries Limited
Aug 2018 - Sep 2018 | Gujrat, Pakistan

Work as an internee in HR department of Service industries Limited for 7 weeks and there I performed several tasks i.e. keeping employees record in files, mark attendance of employees and workers in a system, issued ATM cards to the employees etc.


PMAS Arid Agriculture university Rawalpindi (GIMS)
学士, 工商管理学士学位, ‎
Agribusiness Management


初学者 Data Miniing
初学者 Employees Personal Record
初学者 Handling Assignments
初学者 Notes maker


中级 英语