
Major responsibilities which I can easily manage are working in friendly atmosphere , monitoring of Teams , Fetching of clear and authentic data,Providing the collected data to my concern authorities, meetings with officials , Tribal Noteables , Law and order enforcement officals and Administrators , and also reaching at the field before team,s arrival , ensure teams to the proper or given sites , visit door to door house , checking each and every single child/woman if vaccinated or not, check door marking , also guests child or women and new migrated, meetings with parents and at the end of day meetings with DC ,AC,Health Facilitators, UCMOs ,AiCs and religious scholars to deal with findings and enhancing team tasks properly  and also share the  data with my Tameere Khalaq Foundation (TKF) Authorities at the mean or asked time, I also worked with WHO DISTRICT KOHLU as Volunteer in a project for TB ,so I have better knowledge regarding TB where I visited different BHUs , CDs providing TB tools and Kits.I  Also worked with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) UNICEF in District Mastung recently in an project Of livelihood and security Assisment (FSLA_Feb_March 2023)  to achieve a data of Losses of the people regarding their lives, houses, Crops , and livestock and also can scattered teams and members of coworkers to the field where they needed, and also worked with World Health Organization (WHO_CTC) Chip Training and Consultancy as Tehsil Polio Officer (TPO) to end polio from Pakistan so a high knowledge about polio and monitoring I have , and I also worked with Strengthing Participatory Organization (SPO)  Balochistan in a project named Balochistan Education Project where i visited the Primary and High schools running by the Government of Balochistan, their staff, PTSMCs District and Education Officers to fill the vaccant positions of teachers , providing schools kits like Tats,books,bags,tables etc and also buildings if required.And many more organizations tallied below.


FAO-United Nations
Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 | Quetta, Pakistan

A detailed and comprehensive Servay on Food and Security Livelihood Hood Assessment that FAO united nations held for six districts of Balochistan including Quetta and Mastung , where i with my team visited the whole district and Servay the losses of lives , Agricultural based equipments like ploughs etc and item like Grains, Gardens , Crops and also loss of houses/homes and livestock.
Collection of accurate data through KOBO app and also on paper if needed and shared that data with Coordinators and high authorities of FAO on the mean time.

Jun 2020 - Oct 2022 | Quetta, Pakistan

Respected sir,

                         I hope your enjoying a good health .
 I have an excellent Experience of Supervision and monitoring as with TAMEER_ E_KHALAQ FOUNDATION (TKF) I worked as Field Monitor where I also monitor the teams , the Health Supervisors, UC Medical Officers, Area Incharges , vaccinators , volunteers workers to end polio from country and making their actual presence in the field.Here i also managed meetings with DC , DHO , UNICEF Representatives, Community Loyels, Law and order departments  and my own high authorities of TKF and also report them in timely.

TCSP_TPO (Tehsil Compaign Support Person_TPO)
Oct 2017 - May 2019 | Kohlu, Pakistan

Respected sir,
                        I worked in WHO/CTC as TPO or TCSP to end polio for District Kohlu, the most backward and tuff district of Balochistan as this district is in red zone according to security agencies. The most interesting thing I was TPO as T stands for Tehsil so the Tehsil appoint to me was tha most riskfull and highly prohibited which is Tehsil Kahan. 
     Dear sir I mostly usede Camels and donkeys to travel door to door house because of lack of roads. I held a cenuse of childrens and made a registere for the first time at that area where each and every single child name was noted for my teams easyness and more affective work. 
I held meetings with Village noteables , Parents of refusals children, Administration officials , law and order enforcement DC,AC , UCMOS,AICS and TEAM MEMBERS at the end of day. 
Also share my findings to my WHO/CTC authorities and also District Noteables if necessary.


Balochistan University
硕士, 艺术硕士学位, ‎
Social Sciences


中级 Accountability
熟练 Administration
熟练 Advocacy and Persuasion Skills
熟练 Analytical Skills
中级 AutoCAD
熟练 Basic Understanding of Statistical Data
熟练 Case Management
熟练 Child Advocacy
熟练 Child Protection
熟练 Child Protective Services
熟练 Client Relationship
熟练 Climate Change
熟练 Close Attention to Detail
熟练 Communication Skills
熟练 Community Building
熟练 Community Engagement
熟练 Community Meeting
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Computer Assisted Person Interviews
熟练 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews
中级 Computer Proficient
熟练 Computer Skills
熟练 Conflict Management Skills
中级 Contract Management
熟练 Coordination
熟练 Coordination and Reporting
熟练 Coordination and Representation
熟练 Coordination Skills
熟练 Critical Incident Stress Management
熟练 Cultural Awareness
熟练 Dash Board Management
熟练 Data Analysis
中级 Data Analysis and Interpretation
熟练 Data Analytics
熟练 Data Collection
熟练 Data Collection Protocol Development
熟练 Data Management
中级 Data Visualization
熟练 Disaster Management
熟练 Documenting Skills
中级 DRR
熟练 Education Management
熟练 Field Activities Skills
熟练 Field Activity Skills
熟练 Field Coordination
熟练 Field Management
熟练 Field Monitoring Skills
熟练 Field Surveying
熟练 Field Work
中级 Financial Accounting


中级 Saraiki
熟练 普什图语
熟练 俾路支语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语