
Hard work is essential for a successful life but i think blind hard work is more toxic then Botulinum. That's why i believe whenever we work we should make sure that we are doing the right work at right time.
I have been doing software development for more than 2 years. I am a full stack developer and love to work in React Native.
I have experience in react-native, react js, node js, Mongo DB, Firebase, MySQL, Java, Room DB, Spring Boot, No SQL, rest full APIs, redux, redux-thunk, redux-saga, Google Play console & App Store Connect.
I have experience with Andriod, iOS, and Web development and also with backend services.
These days i mostly work in react-native to develop cross-platform apps for Android and iOS.
I have extensive knowledge of the development life cycle with experience to back it up.
With the duration of 2 years working for international and local clients i have developed very good communication skills.

I am always learning about new techniques and technologies and use them to make sure that the work i do is up-to-date.


React Native Developer
Jul 2019 - 代表 | Gujrat, Pakistan


University of Gujrat
学士, 理工学士, Software Engineering‎
Software Engineering
Punjab College
中级/A级, 理学院(工程预科), Fsc Pre Engineering‎
Physics, Chemsetry, Math
所占比重 75%
Govt Islamaia High School No 1
大学入学/0级, 科学, Metric‎
Physics, Chemestry, Math
所占比重 86%


熟练 Android Management
中级 ATS Knowledge
熟练 CSS3
熟练 Firebase
熟练 JavaScript
中级 MongoDB
熟练 No SQL
熟练 Node JS
熟练 React JS
熟练 React Native
熟练 Redux
中级 Redux Saga
熟练 Redux Thunk
熟练 Rest API
中级 RoomDB


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语