
A Pakistani digital marketer who is providing his services to his local and international clients. I make strategies to promote and sell their products online, shifting their businesses online, website ranking, keyword research and competitive analysis.
I have handy knowledge and experience of different marketing techniques and trends, i.e. Amazon Affiliate and Shopify. I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I have always been keen to learn new and emerging technologies and techniques.


Facebook Page Build for 3thingstodo.com
GS Brothers


PBN Creation
Jan 2016 - 代表 | Glasgow, United Kingdom

I am working as a part-time VA for creating PBNs. I have a good relationship and Reviews in creating PBNs. I have 15+ clients from all over the world.

Feb 2013 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

OGads is a CPA based network for mobile and desktop. A leading mobile networks company pays best solution for mobile conversions. I have a good Knowledge of landing pages, conversion ratio and offers optimization.

OWN -SEO Services
Feb 2012 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

Being a blogger, I work with my own sites and client as well. My major time of professional career spent with SEO and Social Media Marketing. I learn and apply the techniques then filter my knowledge with the help of positive results of split testing.

Pinterest.com - Lead Generation
Sep 2016 - Jan 2018 | Lahore, Pakistan

I have target different niche by Pinterest for selling Amazon products.

Social Media Optimization
Sep 2016 - Jan 2018 | Lahore, Pakistan

I was working with 450 Social profiles at a time with the help of BrowSeo. It was a good experience with UK based client who assigned me to handle his client\'s profiles.
( 9 different Platform ) x ( 50 International clients ) = 450 profiles

9 different Platforms includes all famous socials.

1- facebook (Profiles)
2- GooglePlus
3- Youtube
4- Twitter ( With Follow liker )
5- Pinterest ( With social multiplier)
6- Tumblr ( With Follow like)
7-Instagram ( With Follow liker and 4k downloader)
8- StumbleUpon
9- Reddit

I can handle maximum profiles with the help of browseo (New SEO Browser).

Viral Blogging
May 2016 - Oct 2017 | Lahore, Pakistan

I was doing virl blogging for getting social trrafic. Facrbook ads and reddit was the source of trrafic. I have genrated 820Users at real time from social traffic.

Dec 2016 - May 2017 | Lahore, Pakistan

I have performed the backlink service for wall.pk as a virtual assistant. Improved thier serp in short time with the help of hidden onpage seo tactics, expired web2.0 and pbns.


University of Engineering & Technology
学士, Bachelors in Engineering, BSSE‎
SEO, Search Engine Algos, Basic of Search Engine
CGPA 3.2/4


熟练 301 Redirects
熟练 301 Redirects For Backlinks
熟练 Ahrefs - Complete Knowledge
熟练 Anchor Optimization
熟练 Backlinks
熟练 Blog Posting
熟练 Build Backlink from Broken Link Finder
熟练 Caption Translation
熟练 CMS - Wordpress
熟练 Competitor Analysis
熟练 Content Creator
熟练 Content Syndication via ifttt
熟练 Controlled Keyword density
熟练 Do-follow / No-follow Controlled Ratio
熟练 Email List Generation
熟练 Exact and Safe Anchor Controlled Ratio
熟练 Expired Tumblr Link Wheel
熟练 Feedspot - For monitoring competitors
熟练 Find Expired domains For PBN
熟练 Forum lInks For managing Anchor Ratio
熟练 Google +
熟练 Guest Post
熟练 Handling Assignments
熟练 Image SEO
熟练 Image Submission for image links
熟练 Internal Linking
熟练 Internet Protocol Suite
熟练 Keyword Digging & Research
熟练 Manually audit For Expired domains
熟练 Niche Research & Marketing Analysis
熟练 off Page SEO
熟练 Onpage SEO
熟练 Own Expired Web2.0 techniques
熟练 Page Strategies
熟练 PBN - Private Blog Network
熟练 PBN creation
熟练 PBN Handler
熟练 PDF Submission for Rank Stealing
熟练 Penalty Handler
熟练 Pinterest Profiles Creation
熟练 Press Releases
熟练 Profiles Links
熟练 Robots.txt Knowledge
熟练 Scrapbox
熟练 SEMRush - Complete Knowledge
熟练 SEO Audits
熟练 Silo Structure
熟练 Social Media Mraketing
熟练 Social Semantic Hub
熟练 Software Documentation Maintenance


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