
To be associated with a firm, that provides career development opportunities and to contribute in its progress through my knowledge and skill


Web based top 10 school in Pakistan
An Implementation of Videos based Vehicles Detection and Classification and


Company Logo
Web Design and Development
Quaid Software Technology Rawalpindi Cantt
May 2017 - Present | Islamabad, Pakistan

I am Muhammad Awais javeed s/o Liaqat Ali javeed from Faisalabad. I have done my bleachers of science in computer science from COMSATS University Islamabad a well known University of Pakistan and in the word. I have prepared all the required documents. It will enhance my chances of this job. my CV is attached\" I would be very grateful to it will examine it. By fact, I am a socially active person with a friendly nature, a good communicator indeed who is blessed with many friends. I keep a keen view of the reality of life thus approach people with a positive mind and attitude and always prove to be helpful with honest efforts and true dedication. Besides that, I always feel very joyous and fortunate to meet and greet people belonging to different backgrounds and cultures. As such meetings are always important because they prove to be beneficial in future also it makes things easy to cope whether one works or studies in his own country.

in case of any question or further processing, feel free to contact me.

waiting for your response. Thank you,


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Bachelors, BCS/BS, Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science BS Honours (BSCS)‎
Computer Networks and Communication, Database System
CGPA 2.5/4


Beginner Accounts Administration
Intermediate Aseptic Technique Knowledge
Intermediate Banking
Beginner book covers designing
Beginner Bootstrap
Expert Database Management 
Beginner JavaScript
Intermediate Logo Design
Beginner Sales Management
Intermediate Turbine Monitoring
Beginner WHRPP
Beginner WP CLI


Intermediate English
Beginner French
Expert Punjabi
Expert Urdu