
My name is Hamza Mustafa. I am graduate in computer science form GC University Faisalabad.
I am currently working in Sherserve Faisalabad as Full Stack Developer i get experience on Asp.Net MVC, Web APIs,JavaScript and manages the front side and backend.
I have worked as Asp.Net developer in WGroup where i get hands on experience on C#, Wpf, Winforms,,front end also back end.
Apart form web technology i have worked on C# application development as my final year project hardware base rfid card attendance system and done some school projects and inventory system in C#/C/C++.


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React Developer
Techno source
Jul 2020 - Present | Faisalabad, Pakistan

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ASP .NET Developer
Jan 2019 - Jun 2019 | Lahore, Pakistan


Government College University
Bachelors, Bachelors in Engineering, Computer Science‎
Dot Net Web Programming


Beginner Ajax
Intermediate ASP.Net
Intermediate Automation Languages Command
Expert C#
Intermediate HTML5 
Intermediate JavaScript
Beginner Jquery
Intermediate MS SQL Server
Intermediate MVC
Intermediate Node.js
Beginner React
Beginner Type Scipt

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