
As a Data Analyst’s our responsibilities include the deep analysis of data and then determining the best way to represent it visually to managers and stakeholders. We also have to ensure quality assurance and process documentation and define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Here are a few sentences that show the skills I possess:

I’m good at taking raw data and making it understandable.

Identify, analyze results using statistical techniques, and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets.

I have excellent analytical and presentation skills.

I’m particularly good at organizing a data set and presenting it in a visually pleasing way.

I have a BS in Statistics.

Data Analyst | Statistician


University of Sindh
Bachelors, Bachelors in Science, BSc (Hon's) in Statistics‎
Applied Statistics, Econometrics, Statistics
CGPA 3.2/4


Beginner Data Analytics
Intermediate MS Excel
Beginner Reporting Skills


Expert Urdu
Intermediate Sindhi
Expert English