
My work experience highlights my expertise in API integration, Node.js, Redux, React.js, and MongoDB. I have successfully integrated diverse APIs into web applications, ensuring seamless communication between systems. With Node.js, I have developed robust server-side applications and implemented real-time functionalities. I possess strong skills in Redux for efficient state management and have built dynamic user interfaces using React.js, leveraging Redux for enhanced application performance. Moreover, I have utilized MongoDB as a reliable database solution, proficiently handling data storage and retrieval. Overall, my extensive experience in these technologies makes me well-equipped to deliver efficient and effective solutions in web development projects.


Responsive Blog Website
Expense Tracking App
Covid Tracking App


Company Logo
MERN Internee
Gamica Cloud
Mar 2023 - Present | Faisalabad, Pakistan


Karakurum International University
Bachelors, Bachelors in Arts, ‎
Political Science


Beginner React
Beginner APIs to support
Intermediate CSS
Intermediate HTML
Beginner HTML CSS JavaScript React Node.js MongoD
Beginner JavaScript
Beginner MongoDB
Beginner Node.js


Intermediate English