
I have completed BE (IT) Information technology degree in 2016 and started my career
as a Intern(Android) in Azam System & Technology, after completion of internship I was
upgrade to Software Developer (Java) in Azam System & Technology. I am looking for better
opportunity as a software engineer (Java). I am in early career stage having more than 1 years
professional experience only, but willing to improve my skills under supervision of seniors. Here
is my short professional career.
1. AST (Azam System & Technology) Rawalpindi as Software Developer(Java)


• Integrated School Management System (ISMS)


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Junior Java Developer
PearlFig Pvt Ltd, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Mar 2018 - Present | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Project: Appointment System

This Project is a Generic Appointment System. In this we are managing providers and customers and their detailed records, appointments.

Tools & Technologies: JSP, Spring Mvc, Rest web service, Hibernate, MYSQL, Tomcat 7, Angular 5, Bootstrap, Jquery.

Version Control Tool: Git

DataBase: MYSQL


Working on Appointment System Project on Backend as well as Frontend.

Business domain understanding and analysis of requirement

Logging, Unit Testing, Coding and bug fixing.

Requirement analysis and feature implementation.

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Junior Java Developer
Azam System & Technology
Jan 2017 - Sep 2017 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

We are currently working in this project International School Management System ERP (ISMS)
International School Management System is school administration web based application for anyone wishing to use a basic school administration software application. This, too, is highly customizable and therefore suites all types of educational institutions.
J2EE Technology: JSP, Servlet
Other Framework Hibernate
Language JAVA
Other Jquery, Ajax , Bootstrap, I-Report

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Android Internee
Azam System & Technolgy
Sep 2016 - Dec 2016 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Android Developer
1)Design and build advanced applications for Android platform
2)Build designs, wireframes and translate them into quality code
3)Work on bug fixing and improving application performance
4)Implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency

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Jun 2016 - Aug 2016 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan


UET, Texila
Bachelors, BCS/BS, BEIT‎
Programming, Database Management System, Web Design
CGPA 3.1/4
KRL Model College Kahuta
Intermediate/A-Level, Faculty of Science (Pre-Engineering), Fsc‎
Chemistry, Geo Physics, Mathematics
Percentage 64%
iram model school and college kahuta
Matriculation/O-Level, Matric in Science, Matric‎
Geo Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
Percentage 76%


Beginner Android Management
Beginner AngularJS
Beginner ATS Knowledge
Beginner C++
Beginner database managament system
Beginner Fine Art Teaching
Beginner Git
Intermediate Hibernate
Intermediate HTML
Intermediate J2EE
Intermediate JavaScript
Beginner Joomla
Beginner Jquery
Intermediate JSP
Intermediate JSTL
Beginner MagnetoDB
Intermediate MVC
Intermediate MySQL
Beginner Oracle
Beginner Oriented Designing
Beginner OsCommerce
Beginner Query Language
Beginner React JS
Beginner Rest Ful WebServices
Intermediate Servlets
Beginner Social Media Strategists
Beginner Software Development
Intermediate Spring
Beginner Spring MVC
Beginner Visual Basic
Intermediate WHRPP
Intermediate WP CLI


Intermediate Punjabi
Intermediate English
Expert Urdu

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muhammad is the type of person everyone just loves being around. Strong work ethic, great personality.

muhammad Contacts

Imran Abdul Hussain
Systems Limited