
Looking forward to working for a reputed organization and employing my skills to further advance the reputation, reach and excellence of that organization. Working as part of an effective and efficient team to showcase individual as well as collective skills.


Life-Mind.com WordPress Website


Back End Developer
DynamoLogic Solutions
Sep 2019 - 代表 | Islamabad, Pakistan

I have worked on back-end service development for apps and web in Laravel, along with admin panel development using Laravel blade templating engine. I also perform API documentation using swagger (Open API 3.0). Experienced in task reporting on JIRA. I have performed unit testing using PHPUnit and debugging via PHP Debug. I use CodebaseHQ for deployments. Extensive GIT experience. Well versed in dependency management. Here are the details of the projects I\'ve worked on here:
PTE Achievers: A PTE test preparation portal that helps students prepare for theirPTE exams by letting them answer Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening questions. I created back-end services for this project as well as the admin panel.The front end was done in ReactJS. All files (Images, audios, etc) were uploaded on an Amazon s3 bucket. I also implmented Speechace API for audio analysis and IBMWatson TTS to generate audio from text.
Taxavo: A tax management and filing system with support for tax returns and tax refunds. Built entirely in Laravel with the blade template engine using Stripe for one-time payments. I also built the corresponding admin panel. This project also includes a complex questionnaire that is completely customizable from the adminpanel with different tax filing reasons, answer types, input types, input groups, etcw ith conditional control flow.
Sengalv2: Sengalv2 is a CRM with very innovative internal structure managed by a Google Sheet document. It is designed to be developer friendly and delegates most business logic to the sheet and the underlying CRM Manager. The CRMmanager is written in custom PHP and handles all the CRUD and logging features.The main CRM is built in Laravel. In this project, I was responsible for API Manager & API Job Scheduler. Basically, we wanted to log the inputs, resulting endpoints and outputs of all API calls along with the performance metrics for the APIs. This also meant that developers will not need to add complex code for each API call. API Job Scheduler is meant to integrate seamlessly into the CRM manager by detecting changed fields and automatically executing the the necessary API calls. 

Senior Back End Developer
Weblinerz UK
Dec 2018 - Jun 2019 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Back End development using MVC technologies (primarily codeigniter). API development and consumption. Working on various projects at a time as senior developer and team lead.
Working alongside Designers and Mobile App Developers in a collaborative effort. Managing tight and often overlapping deadlines.
Strong focus on documentation as well. Preparing project proposals and user guides, documenting APIs and compiling project status reports. Often dealing with clients directly regarding the project progress and expectations.

PHP ERP Developer & Team Lead
5Derp Solutions
May 2018 - Sep 2018 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

ERP Development using PHP based Codeigniter MVC framework as backend and Angular.JS as frontend. Web Service creation & Consumption. API integration. Modular approach.

Open Source PHP Developer (SQL Engineer)
Jun 2017 - Mar 2018 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

I have worked primarily on Customer Relationship Management systems (CRMs) for
various US based ;rms and companies. These clients include Law Firms, Media
Agencies, Mortgage & Finance companies, etc. This work sometimes included data
exchange between the CRM and US Federal Agencies (such as NSLA) or External
As a developer, some of the technologies I have worked with include:
Working with the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) on Amazon\'s Cloud9 IDE.
Front End design using Bootstrap, JQuery, Modernizr, NOTY, etc.
Utilizing GitHub repositories using composer as a dependency manager.
API consumption and modification for use (REST, JSON-RPC, etc).
Managing a remote dedicated Bitcoin node and integrating it into a website.
Two Factor Authentication (2FA) implementation using Google Authenticator.
Information exchange between CRM and Encompass Cloud Based system, which
can only be accessed using .NET Objects API.
Dynamic report generation using MYSQL DB, Datatables and various filters.
Crosschecking sales and processing reports via complex queries MySQL
DB (PhpMyAdmin, HeidiSQL, etc)
Integrating online payment gateways into websites (Fiat & Crypto).
Information exchange between multiple CRMs and regular status reporting.
Writing bots and other modifications for the tools we use (such as Telegram).
Getting customer speci;c info from National Student Loans Agency website using
CasperJS and Queuing tasks using RabbitMQ.
Data Caching for pages that take long time to retrieve (external) data.
As the Team Lead, I managed a group of 4-5 developers and 5 interns. My
responsibilities as Team Lead include:
Assigning tasks to the team & monitoring their progress.
Reporting on the team status to the management.
Assessing team motivation & managing their expectations.
Creating Statement of Work documents (SOWs) for clients.
Plan future projects and modifications, client requests and tasks on Trello.

Web Development
Sep 2016 - Jun 2017 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Developing run-of-the-mill websites and deploying them in crunch time. Mostly using opensource and freely available tools


Foundation University
学士, 技术学士, BSc.Computer Software Engineering‎
Artificial Intelligence, Software Requirements Specification, Software Quality Assurance
CGPA 3.6/4


熟练 CSS3
中级 D3.js
中级 MVC design
熟练 Adobe Creative Suite
中级 Agile Application Development
中级 Agile Web Development
中级 Ajax
中级 American Acssant
初学者 AngularJS
熟练 API Development
熟练 APIs
初学者 ASP.Net
中级 ATS Knowledge
熟练 Bootstrap
初学者 C#
熟练 C++
初学者 Codeigniter
中级 Codeignitor
中级 CSS3
熟练 Database Design
熟练 Database Management
中级 ECO Engineering
熟练 Handling Assignments
中级 HTML5
熟练 HTML5 
中级 JavaScript
熟练 Jquery
熟练 Knowledge of Software=
熟练 Laravel
初学者 Microsoft .NET
中级 MVC
熟练 MySQL
熟练 PHP
中级 PHP1
中级 Query Language
熟练 Requirements Engineering
熟练 Software Project Management
中级 Software Quality Review
熟练 software requirements specification
熟练 Software Testing
熟练 System Visualization (UML)
初学者 WP CLI


熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语