
To work in a Dynamic, Challenging & Mission Critical Environment and to achieve a suitable position in the field of Information Technology, related to Database administration, Software Development & Web Development.


United Kakooli
Learning Management System


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Web Developer & Web Designer
Oct 2019 - Present | Karachi, Pakistan

A small company with worth of 5 to 7 persons. Growth chance is very poor but learned alot from there...

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Web Developer
Hidaya Institute of Science & Technology
Mar 2017 - Nov 2017 | Jamshoro, Pakistan

Make various mini projects based on core php and a final project named learning management system.
Learn 6 months as a trainee and then polish my skills there to develop a various mini projects and websites including 1. Learning management System 2. Shopping Portal mini 3. Blog System 4. Wordpress sites like e-commerce web and store. 5. Templatation and CRUD application on Codiegniter and Laravel.

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Web Designer
Jan 2017 - Mar 2017 | Karachi, Pakistan

Work as front end developer responsible for making an static and responsive websites purely based on HTML+CSS+BOOTSTRAP.


Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
Bachelors, Bachelors in Technology, Software Engineering‎
Java Php Html CSS Javascript Database MySql, Wordpress, Codiegniter
CGPA 2.8/4


Beginner Bootstrapping
Beginner Codeigniter
Expert CSS3
Expert HTML
Intermediate HTML Tags
Intermediate HTML5 
Intermediate JavaScript
Intermediate MySQL
Intermediate Responsive
Intermediate Social Media Strategists
Expert WHRPP
Intermediate WP CLI


Intermediate English
Intermediate Urdu
Intermediate Sindhi

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