
passionate, cross-functional creative results driven marketing executive with over two years of tech marketing experience across digital marketing product marketing communications brands marketing content and merchandise.


کمپنی کا لوگو
digital marketing and social media expert
Cox communication
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۸ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۹ , United Arab Emirates

As a Sales and Marketing executive work closely with national and multinational companies and also have worked as a digital marketer

کمپنی کا لوگو
digital marketer
The Next Idea
مارچ ۲۰۱۷ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۸ | Lahore, Pakistan

worked as a digital marketing and social media expert and also worked as a quality assurance consultant


University of Sargodha
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان ٹیکنالوجی, BSIT (hons)‎
computer science, fundamentals programming, e commerce
درجہ B+

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

متوسط Business Dnvelopment
متوسط Data Analysis
متوسط E Mail Marketing
متوسط Food Labeling
ابتدائی Knowledge of Free Tools Available
متوسط Marketing Fulfillment
ابتدائی Paid Social Advertising
متوسط Quality Control Knitting
ماہر Selling Capabilities
ماہر Social Engine Submission
متوسط Strategic Thinking
ابتدائی مساعدة مكتب


ماہر اردو
متوسط انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں