
Dear Sir/Mai'm,

My name is Pawan Kumar. I have completed my Computer Science from FAST NUCES in july 2018. Currently I am working in Techaeonic Systems as Java Developer.The technologies that I am working on right now are Java Spring(Spring Boot) and Angular. My Duties in Techaonic Include
1)Making Microservices for our Current project that do CRUD operation on MySQL or SQL database Using Spring Data JPA and also include other functionalities.
2)Making a Portal using Angular.
3)Deploying the micro services on Tomcat and Pivotal Cloud Foundary and Using them in Angular.
4)Using these Microservices as REST API's in the Angular Portal.
5) use GitHub and GitLab for version control.
With that I have learning a lot in making these Microservices and Angular Application about understanding the requirements, debugging the code for errors, resolving the errors in both micro service and angular application.
I also have worked on salesforce, etl,database procedures and many other small things that can help in making useful projects.
Right now I am looking to using my skills for making better projects for organizations and also improve my skills.

6)Worked on cache,transaction, actuator, eureka naming server in spring boot.
7)Worked on Spring Security Authorization using Oauth2. Used jwt token and @preauthorize for custom role checking in token.
8) Worked on validation of entity in spring boot.

9) Worked on AWS. Made Docker image of Spring boot application , ran it locally for testing by exposing it's container port to host port.
10)Deployed Docker Image on AWS ECR(Elastic Container Registry). Made Task from Image. Made Services and Assigned the given task to service. Also Worked on Security Groups, Target Group and Load Balancer in AWS.


Tour Booking system in ASP.net


کمپنی کا لوگو
Java Developer
FinalTier Systems
ستمبر ۲۰۱۸ - موجودہ | Karachi, Pakistan

I am working as Java Developer In Final Year System from September 2018.
The technologies I work on are
1) Java
2)Spring / Spring Boot
4)Sql and MySQL
5)Tomcat Server

کمپنی کا لوگو
FAST National University
جنوری ۲۰۱۴ - موجودہ | Karachi, Pakistan


National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
بیچلرز, بی سی ایس / بی ایس, computer science‎
Algorithms, Web development, Database Management System
CGPA 2.8/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ابتدائی Programming Languages.
ابتدائی Web design and Development.
ابتدائی Angular.js
ابتدائی Hibernate
ابتدائی Maven
ابتدائی spring MVC
ابتدائی Tomcat
ابتدائی Angular 6
ابتدائی AngularJS
متوسط ATS Knowledge
ابتدائی HTML5 
ابتدائی J2EE
ابتدائی Java Spring Boot
ابتدائی JDBC
ابتدائی MySQL
ابتدائی Spring DI
ابتدائی Spring Framework
ابتدائی WHRPP


متوسط انگریزی