
Production Coordinator
Al-Khair Global (Pvt) Ltd
Aug 2010 - 代表 | Phoolnagar (Bhai Pheru), Pakistan

Working As Production Coordinator And Responsible For:

• Analyzing work flow of planned and scheduled customer orders based on material availability and production capacity.
• Material inventory planning to meet production needs.
• Keep liaison between production and sale representatives to ensure the customer ship dates.
• Handling customer queries as per their requirements.
• Handling of production work in process issues.
• Performed Quality control on final products and ensured on time products delivery.
• Monthly Finished Goods Stock audit.
• Daily Software Updating (e.g. entering daily dispatch challan, daily claim challan, daily production).
• Worked as factory accountant (Cash Handling, administrative working and also special assignment

acconnts officer
Oct 2007 - Oct 2008 | Lahore, Pakistan


Bahauddin Zakariya University
硕士, , M.Com‎
所占比重 53%
University of the Punjab
学士, , B.Com‎
所占比重 58%
中级/A级, , F.Sc Pre-Engineering‎
所占比重 49%
大学入学/0级, , Matric in Science‎
所占比重 69%


熟练 Delivering projects on time
熟练 Inventory Planning
中级 Accounting Skills
熟练 Accounts Administration
熟练 Auditing
熟练 Auditing Skills
熟练 Cirrculum Assessment
熟练 experience in relevant field of manufacturing
熟练 Feedback Assessment
熟练 Handling Assignments
熟练 Inspection Implementation
中级 Internal Audit Command
中级 Knowledge of Spreadsheets
中级 Knowledge Representation
中级 Logistics Management
熟练 Maintenance Management
熟练 Opeartions Handling
熟练 Pay Per
初学者 Process Operations Handling
熟练 Production Management
熟练 Quality Metrics
中级 Raw Material/Accessories Planning
中级 Relationship Management
熟练 Reporting Writing
熟练 RESTful APIs
中级 Schedule Appointment
熟练 Warehouse Management
中级 أخلاقيات الاتصال


中级 英语