
A well-presented, good all round performer who has the ability to work quickly and efficiently with little supervision. I have a strong work ethic and am sure to make a real contribution to the day-to-day operations of any business.


Temperature/Humidity Measurement System
Shogi in C++
Microprocessor in VHDL
Digital Clock on Arduino using Interrupts
Wearable Health Monitor on Arduino
User Interface for Deep Learning Dataset Annotation and Augmentation


Virtual Assistant
Freelance Pvt.
May 2017 - Jan 2018 | Mian Walli, Pakistan


Namal College Mianwali (An Associate College of university of Bradford)
学士, 理工学士, ‎
Electrical And Electronics
CGPA 2.9/4


初学者 Quality Assurance
中级 Arduino
初学者 ATS Knowledge
中级 Automation Languages Command
中级 C++
中级 Drafting Methods
中级 Embedded Programming
中级 Evaluating Risk
熟练 Excellent English Writing
初学者 Fine Art Teaching
熟练 Handling Assignments
初学者 HTML
初学者 HTML and XHTML
中级 iOT
初学者 JavaScript
初学者 JSON
初学者 Logic Design
初学者 Micro-processor
初学者 MySQL
中级 OOP
初学者 OpenCV
初学者 OpenGL
熟练 Parent - Teacher Communication
中级 Passion for Software Engineering
中级 Pursuing News Stories
中级 PyQT
中级 QT Creator
初学者 Query Language
熟练 Quick to learn
初学者 Raspberry Pi
中级 research driven
中级 Social Media Headlining
初学者 Software Engineering
初学者 Software Life Cycle Testing
初学者 SQL
初学者 Subnetting
初学者 Telecom
初学者 Test Case Generation
初学者 Testing Services
初学者 Wireshark 
初学者 XML


熟练 英语
