My Name is Dr. Abdul Rahim
Work as Admin and logistic officer
Worked as a Social mobile with MERF from June 2023 to Dec 23
Work as an Enumerator with IOM/People.
Work as an Enumerator with ECI / BLEP.
Work as an Enumerator with Save the Children.
Work as an Enumerator with FAO/ RHC.
Work as an Enumerator with PDMA.
As project manager with SEHER from 2002 to 2006
I have been working since 2009 as a medical officer in Marcy Corp, ARC International, and TKF in refugee camps in District Pishin.
Since October 2014 have been working as a third-party field monitor with JERS and TKF NGO since October 2022.
As a medical officer at Cadet College Pishin from 22 March 2012 to 8 September 2022.
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Enumerator with People (UN-IOM) in District Pishin
My Name Dr. Abdul Rahim § To Monitor Area supervisor and CHW in Field Pre campaign, intra-campaign, and Post campaign.§ Micro plan validation Monitor team training, Attend UPEC meetings, and DPEC meetings in the free campaign.§ Check vaccine in a campaign of Team members Monitor the team and take clusters during the campaign.§ Check the log book of SM cross-verification of the refusal and NA children in post-campaign§ To attend a session on the POLIO eradication program.Manager Mentoring Initiative. Responsibilities:
To monitor the corner meetings among the community.
To monitor the field working teams during the POLIO campaign.
Monitor the performance of campaign teams and their clusters.
Attend the evening meeting in the POLIO campaign.
Enumerator in flood survay
As a medical officer in cadet college pishin
§ Consultation to all children & female outdoor patients.
§ Ensure the availability of staff and medicine at BHU.
§ Organize and support community-based meetings in BHU.
§ Monitor and organize health education activities.
§ Identify and manage/refer high-risk cases in BHU.
§ Ensure proper record keeping of all In/outpatients.
§ Maintain equipment and medicines stock inventory.
§ Compile and submit monthly reports to the coordinator on time every month.
As a project manager work in District pishin
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