
I being a competent and active person I can efficiently handle responsibilities assigned to me including maintaining discipline, communication with customers, dealing with clients and the most effective thing is to maintain the repute of the branch. I have got command over my verbal communication and writing skills. I possess good accent which is ultimate to standardize the value of institution. My interpersonal skills, confidence and presentation skills are perfect match to handle the responsibilities assigned to me.
I want to join your esteemed organization, would like to be a part of it and serve it through my knowledge and practical experience. A chance of meeting would be worthwhile. I hope you will consider my application and I appreciate time you took to view my application.


کمپنی کا لوگو
Beaconhouse School System
جنوری ۲۰۰۵ - اگست ۲۰۱۷ | Lahore, Pakistan


University of the Punjab
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, Masters in Arts‎
English Language and Literature
درجہ D+

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Academic Administration
ابتدائی Concept Based Teaching
ماہر Coordinatiion Skills
ماہر Fluent in English
ماہر School Systems Management

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں