
My name is Ayesha Naeem and i am a fresh Mechatronics and Control engineer from U.E.T Lahore.
My aim for the professional life is to work in an organization that makes use of my creativity and professional skills and in return provides me a competitive and learning atmosphere that encourages innovation.I have a good knowledge of Control Systems, Manufacturing Processes, Electronics,Robotics, thermodynamics, Machine Vision and Industrial Automation.
My major interest is field work on plant and to handle the duties like plant manager, production manager or any other responsibility regarding the engineering aspects of the plant.

Throughout my academic career I was very much active in extracurricular activities which, I believe, have helped me to be a good decision-maker, a dynamic-worker, a good orator and also inculcated the leadership qualities in me. I feel sure that my skills and aptitude would add value to your organization and that I would become a valuable member of the team. To get an opportunity of working with you will actually enable me to harness my core skills and utilize my potential in more constructive manner thus benefiting both the company and my values/aims.

Besides my professional interests, my personal interests are singing , reading novels and watching television.


Design and application Engineer
Intech Process Automation Pvt Ltd
May 2019 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

Design Engineer
Clevtron Automation
Nov 2017 - Apr 2019 | Lahore, Pakistan

I am working as a trainee engineer at Clevtron automatiion. My task is to design the lighting system of the smart homes and buildings that includes commercial plazas, cinemas and public places.


University of Engineering & Technology
学士, 技术学士, mechatronics and control engineering‎
Electric Power and Control System, Industrial Control and Automation, Industrial Electronics
CGPA 2.9/4


中级 Electrical Maintenance
初学者 Electrical Safety Knowledge
初学者 Handling Plasma Screens
初学者 MATLAB Command
中级 PLCs Troubleshooting and Programming


中级 英语
熟练 乌尔都语