
My name is Shahid Ghafoor. I am a Software Engineer.

I have:

1. Extensive knowledge of Java, C++, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, SQL(MySql), Javascript, JQuery, Wordpress

I do not like to do simple HTML coding, I prefer to use existing libraries for that
2. Experience building secure dynamic websites and infrastructure

3. Extreme attention to detail

Before doing any work I sit and described all details, interfaces and methods which are going to be developed. I like to have clear picture before doing the job
4. Ability to thoroughly test and deliver bug-free code


Automatic Braille Display For Blinds


کمپنی کا لوگو
Software Developer
Software pattern
مارچ ۲۰۱۹ - موجودہ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked with Amazon AWS and Ebay Apis.
Now Working in python using scrapy and selenium for web Scraping Projects

کمپنی کا لوگو
Android Development
CodeVision Inc.
جولائی ۲۰۱۸ - فروری ۲۰۱۹ | Abbottabad, Pakistan

Developed 2 Applications for Students of FYP.
-EGrocey App

کمپنی کا لوگو
Web Development Internship
CodeMatics Inc.
مارچ ۲۰۱۸ - جون ۲۰۱۸ | Abbottabad, Pakistan

In the 3 months that I’ve been an intern for Web, I’ve learned a lot and it has been a great experience. As an intern you get a lot of responsibility and really feel like I was part of the team. I’ve been to fairs and presentations all around the company and got to grow my network and speak with so many interesting people. I gained a lot of confidence in public speaking and this is something which will help me not only in my future working career, also in my regular day to day life.
During this internship I’ve developed myself a lot and I am very thankful that I got to work with so many amazing colleagues who made my time in Abbottabad very enjoyable!


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
بیچلرز, بی سی ایس / بی ایس, Software Engineering‎
Database System, web development, software projec
CGPA 2.4/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ابتدائی Amazon AWS
متوسط API development
متوسط CSS
متوسط CSS3
متوسط Git
متوسط HTML
متوسط JSON
متوسط Web API
ابتدائی Agile Development Model
ابتدائی Android Management
ابتدائی AngularJS
متوسط API impeded reports
متوسط ASP.Net
متوسط ATS Knowledge
ابتدائی Automation Languages Command
ابتدائی AWS
متوسط Back end developers
متوسط Bootstrap
متوسط Codeigniter
متوسط Conservation Awareness
متوسط CSS3
متوسط Debugging Skills
ابتدائی Django
متوسط front end develop
ابتدائی front-end framework preferably Angular
متوسط Frontend Developmen
ابتدائی Git Code Versioning
متوسط HTML
متوسط HTML5 
متوسط JavaScript
ابتدائی Jira
متوسط Jquery
ابتدائی JSON
ابتدائی Laravel
متوسط MySQL
ابتدائی NodeJs
متوسط PHP
ابتدائی Pipeline
متوسط Postman
ابتدائی React JS
متوسط Restful Architecture
ابتدائی Selenium
متوسط Web App
متوسط Web Application Design
متوسط WHRPP
متوسط WP CLI


ابتدائی پنجابی
ابتدائی پشتو
ماہر اردو
متوسط انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں