Naya Jahan

Naya Jahan

The Naya Jahan is a citizen of the city of Karachi. On our page, the newspaper sets aside its objective news-gathering role to join its readers in a dialogue about important issues of the day - to exhort, explain, deplore, mourn, applaud or champion, as the case may be.

The Naya Jahan strives to reflect the dynamism of Pakistan. The region's iconic status as global entertainment capital, its entrepreneurial spirit and its extraordinary cultural diversity are among its distinguishing strengths, and we believe that all Angelenos should have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. We demand accountability from the people's representatives in government, promote the rule of law and support policies that encourage commerce and growth and that raise living standards in the region.

Freedom is our core value. We feel a special obligation to defend civil liberties and human rights. Because newspapers and other news media, uniquely among businesses, enjoy and rely on a provision of the Bill of Rights that protects freedom of the press, we assume an obligation to defend the rights of all citizens.

Engagement with the rest of the world is a requirement of good citizenship. The Pakistan should be an unabashed promoter of freedom and democracy in the world, ready to work with others to help ease the burdens of less fortunate nations. We believe that the Pakistan should have, and sometimes must use, the strongest military in the world. It is also important to shine a spotlight on global development challenges that don't necessarily dominate daily news headlines, and that is part of our mission.

Intellectual honesty is the cornerstone of the editorial page. We strive to be sincere, coherent, consistent and skeptical - and, when called for, to have a sense of humor and a hint of mischief. And a sense of humility, too, in recognizing when we are wrong and when our positions shift in light of new developments or information.

The team of Naya Jahan champions its principles without regard to partisanship, beholden to no individual or political organization.