TIMES Institute

TIMES Institute

Almost a century ago Aldous Huxley remarked that the rapid rate of change in the world was creating a situation of chronic revolution in society. The relevance of his observation has increased exponentially in our times.

The age-old quest for a concordance between education today and its projected goals in the future has always agitated the minds of educators of all times and climes. In fact, this is the make or mar criterion of any educational institution. At Times, our driving principle is to equip our young generation with the intellectual and physical skill sets they will require in times to come.

Consequently, we strive to provide state-of-the-art equipment in our labs and classrooms along with experienced and capable faculty whose hallmark is a holistic approach to education and training. Management, teaching staff, and ancillary personnel are constantly indoctrinated about the need to maintain cutting-edge efficiency in their respective areas of endeavor.

This diligence and devotion has won TIMES the honor of an affiliation with Government College University Lahore, an institution par excellence, far above the need of any introductory remarks. This is a distinction we pledge to maintain and uphold.

Accordingly, at TIMES, we see the changing world as a both a challenge and an opportunity which our students can meet with grace, dignity and ability.
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