Ai 4 lyf

Ai 4 lyf

AI4lyf’s mission is to facilitate the much-needed paradigm shift from ‘Sick Care’ to ‘Health Care’.
We believe that cutting-edge innovations capitalizing on recent advances in AI and wireless technology have the potential to help the medical community in enabling this paradigm shift. The table below explains what we mean by the paradigm shift from “Sick care” to “Healthcare”.

Our Services and Solutions
AI-based solutions for enabling faster diagnosis and screening. Check out our latest solution: AI4COVID-19
Bespoke telemedicine and healthcare smart apps and platforms.
Predictive, descriptive, and prescriptive analytics for healthcare data.
AI-powered virtual medical assistants.
Custom solutions to leverage a duo of AI and Telecommunication Systems Engineering for next-generation healthcare.

Our Team

AI4lyf aims to help medics and people achieve humanity’s shared goal of Preventive, Proactive, and Holistic care. To achieve this goal our multidisciplinary team includes a mix of experienced clinicians, highly qualified researchers and world-class experts in AI and Telecom.