Job Description:

  • Plan, direct, or coordinate the selling, buying, leasing, or governance activities of commercial, industrial, or residential real estate properties. Includes managers of homeowner and condominium associations, rented or leased housing units, buildings, or land (including rights-of-way).
  • Manage and oversee operations, maintenance, administration, and improvement of commercial, industrial, or residential properties.
  • Plan, schedule, and coordinate general maintenance, major repairs, and remodeling or construction projects for commercial or residential properties.
  • Direct collection of monthly assessments, rental fees, and deposits and payment of insurance premiums, mortgage, taxes, and incurred operating expenses.
  • Inspect grounds, facilities, and equipment routinely to determine necessity of repairs or maintenance.
  • Act as liaisons between on-site managers or tenants and owners.
  • Supervise employees.
  • Direct financial operations.
  • Direct organizational operations, projects, or services.
  • Resolve customer complaints or problems.
  • Promote products, services, or programs.


1 发布
28 - 36 年
5年 - 10年
Aug 23, 2016
Jul 22, 2016

Roots International Schools

· 1501-2000 员工 - 伊斯兰堡

Background & History/strong Roots International Schools is part of Roots School System founded in 1988 by Mrs. Riffat Mushtaq Aizaz-e-Fazeelat which is distinct in its academic standards and all round development of the child. RIS, metropolitan schools are labeled and founded by her son Mr. Walid Mushtaq who himself is a celebrated national educational icon and decorated educational counselor, to help scale education, learning and teaching as per the aspiration of the 21st century child. As we reach 27 years of academic excellence - one quarter of a century, Roots International Schools today is synonymous with academic excellence, student achievement, social entrepreneurship, opportunity and discovery for students, parents, teachers and community. Students who study here are passionate about their subjects, qualifications and are dedicated to expanding their knowledge of the world around them. In the sphere of college education, Roots remains a place that dares to be a little different. It is our academic focus and personal attention to each and every student that makes us distinct. Celebrating diversity, creativity, vitality & excellence/strong Roots International schools has gained recognition as an International educational institution recognized at National as well as International level commonly labeled as a school of achievement, excellence, excitement, opportunity and discovery. Roots International Schools is a model institution styled on the modern educational system of International standards especially designed to meet the requirements of the child in his early, formative years by involving the three Es Exposure, Expansion and Exploration. Roots today is beyond education and schooling; it is changing the national education landscape through its award winning curriculum, beyond the classroom teaching and learning initiatives, teacher training programs, qualifications, results, achievements, thus promoting social change and community re-engineering. The


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