So it’s your first week on the new job and while working with so many new faces, you’re still feeling like a stranger. You’re constantly asking yourself this question, “What do I do to get acquainted with these people and get along easily?”

Today I’ll share with you, the secret to getting friendly with your coworkers in a very short time span. No, you do not need to go and talk to each one of them in person. You can just start by sending a few of these emails.

Email Template #1

For the Person Who Used to Have Your Position

If the previous person in your role has moved to a different company, there’s no use getting in touch however if that person has been promoted or moved to a different department, it can really be a good idea to strike up a bond. Of course you’re facing a lot of challenges while getting to understand your new role.

Hey [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and as I’m sure you know, I’m the new [job title] here.

I’ve heard from so many people how awesome you were in this role, so I knew I just had to introduce myself.

I’m really looking forward to getting up to speed in this new position—I know I have some big shoes to fill! If you have any quick tips for success in this role, please don’t hold back :).

Happy to be part of the team,

[Your Name]

Email Template #2

For the Department(s) You’ll Be Collaborating With

While it is necessary to get acquainted with your immediate teammates, you know that you’ll also be frequently working cross-functionally with various departments. So it’s always a good idea to reach out to them via email and get yourself introduced, before the first interdepartmental meeting rolls around.

Hey [Department Name] team,

Hope you’re all having a great day!

I’m [Your Name] and I’m the new [job title] here. Since I know we’ll be working together on quite a few different assignments, I wanted to reach out and briefly introduce myself.

I’m super excited to work with you all and am looking forward to meeting you personally during our upcoming meeting on [date].

See you soon,

[Your Name]

Email Template #3

For the Projects or Clients You’ll Be Taking Over

Once you take on the new role, you’ll always be faced by a few unfinished projects left by the previous person in this role. The best approach here is to introduce yourself to the client(s) as a new point of contact.

Hello [Client’s Name],

I hope your week is going well!

My name is [Your Name], and I’m the new [job title] here at [Company Name].

I’ll be taking over as your new point of contact for [task or project] moving forward. So, please don’t hesitate to reach out with anything you need, I’m happy to help! Once I’m up and running, I’ll be back in touch so I can make sure we’re meeting all our current goals—and if not—what we can do to get there.

All the best,

[Your Name]

Email Template #4

For the Team Member You’ll Be Working Closely With

If you’re working with somebody in the same team and reporting to the same line manager, and you know that you both will be working side-by-side on many different tasks, you’ll hardly get any time during the day to get to know each other. A good idea here is to start off with a casual invitation to tea/coffee or lunch.

Hey [Name],

I know that we’ve already been briefly introduced, but I just wanted to send you a quick note to say that I’m really looking forward to working with you here!

I’d love to find a time when we can grab lunch or a quick coffee to chat and get to know each other a little better.

Does [day] at [time] work for you? It’s my treat!

Let me know,

[Your Name]

Email Template #5

For the Whole Office

In case the company that you’ve joined has a culture of making an office-wide announcement via email when a new person is hired, this is your chance to respond to that email and make a really good first impression.

Hey everybody,

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I’m so looking forward to working with all of you and getting to know everyone a little bit better.

With that in mind, don’t hesitate to swing by my desk, and say “hey!”

See you soon,

[Your Name]